Friday, July 31, 2009

Moldy Bread

Moldy bread is one of the most healthy foods, but only if you let mold grow on it and don't make mold grow on it. It may taste bad, but the rewards are worth it such as: healthy skin, healthier life, and long fingernails. To figure out when your moldy bread is moldy enough to eat, it should look similar to the piece of bread in this picture.

This has been a helpful tip from Princess Pignatelli.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Perfect Formal Attire

These are the most gorgeous pieces of clothing I have ever seen. If you wear these items then all you friends will envy you. You will be the center of attention. So go out there and buy this beautiful dress and shoes!

This has been a helpful tip from Princess Pignatelli.

Evil Clowns

I was walking down the street and I saw a clown. Normally I would turn around and walk away, but something about this clown was special. When I approached him, he took out a knife and started chasing me. I thought how much fun this was so I kept running. Later after I had got away from it, I went to bed. That night, I woke up to the clown holding a knife right in front of my face. I started laughing hysterically. He picked me and at that time I was laughing so hard that my parents woke up and came running into my room. When the clown saw them he dropped me and disappeared. After that I never saw the clown again. This story proves that evil clowns are actually very friendly. The clown that I encountered looked a lot like the ones in the picture shown above.

This has been a helpful tip from Princess Pignatelli.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rabid Chipmunks, Rabid Squirrels, Turkey Vultures, and Vicious Babies

Always go near rabid chipmunks especially when they are foaming out the mouth! It is false that they will get you sick, and it tickles when one has rabies and bites you! Also go near turkey vultures and rabid squirrels, but never go near a baby human, they are vicious!

This has been a helpful tip from Princess Pignatelli.